Have you ever wondered why things in your life don’t work out the way you planned? You make a great plan, and things seem like they are going well, but for whatever reason, it just doesn’t work out. You start to question and wonder what happened and why your life isn’t going according to your plans. This opens the door to doubt, anxiety, and fear about yourself and God.
Have you considered that perhaps there is another explanation? In Isaiah 55: 8-9, God says,
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,”declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
God says that his thoughts and his ways are different from your thoughts and ways. That means that God has his plans for your life. His plans are not just a good idea or a suggestion. It’s not just something to consider. God’s plans for you are the best option for your life. He knows how you can have a better life and be better in life. Perhaps your life is not be working out because your thoughts are not aligned with God’s thoughts.
For instance, we all have certain thoughts and ideas of how we want our lives to look. These thoughts are happening all the time. The National Science Foundation published an article in 2005 sharing that the average person has between 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. They discovered that 80 percent of those thoughts are negative. The majority of our thoughts are negative, critical, judgmental, and untrue. This makes sense when you take into consideration what we listen to on cable news and how social media may make you feel inadequate, insecure, and lonely. Your thoughts can easily stray toward what you don’t have (envy) or be consumed with what you want (greed) or think you deserve. When the majority of your thoughts are negative or self-focused, then your plans and the way you live life will lead you down the wrong path. Isaiah reminds us that we are like sheep that have gone astray and have turned to our ways (53:6). How many of you feel like a lost sheep going down the wrong path? Some of you may feel lost with some financial situations, relationship problems, or health issues. We get lost when we don’t include God.
It may be that God’s way and his thoughts on that very issue or topic are just very different from your thoughts and plans. God does have some great thoughts and plans for your life. He has the best for you. He wants the best as your heavenly father.
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11
He doesn’t operate on the same wavelength or mindset as us. It says that God is in heaven. Heaven is higher than the earth so God’s ways are higher (Isa 55:9). God has all wisdom and ways to your life. So if you want to live your best life on earth, then you need to think like God. Here are three steps that Isaiah shares.
1) Humble yourself before God
A repeated phrase in Isaiah 55 is “come” and “listen.” Coming to God requires humility. Many of us don’t like asking for help. I don’t. I don’t like asking for prayers. I want others to believe that I have it all together. But in reality, I don’t. I need God. I need to humble myself and come to God. When I come with that posture then I am ready for the next step.
2) Let go of your negative thoughts
Everyone has an opinion about everything. You have strong opinions about how your life should work and turn out. When those thoughts and ways are not in alignment with God, Isaiah mentions that it is “wicked” and “unrighteous” (v.7). When you think you know better than God then that leads down the path away from God. It’s the path of the unrighteous. You go in the opposite direction of God.
To think like God, you need to identify your negative thoughts. What are some of those negative thoughts that are holding you back? It may be statements like, “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t” or “I’m afraid of…” There are so many negative thoughts that consume every person. Start with writing down one to three that is a reoccurring negative thought. After you write them down, talk to God about them. Ask God to change your heart and thoughts about yourself, others, or even about God.
When you do this, you are surrendering those thoughts to God. You are giving up the power and control of those negative thoughts in your life. You are giving God a chance to tear down those walls and barriers. God can change your heart and mind when you allow him into those secret and dark places. It is in those dark places where the enemy does the most damage. Bring those to the light. God can only work with what we show him. He can only work where you allow him to. Talk to God about those negative thoughts and let God work.
3) Write down God’s thoughts and obey them
For every negative thought you have, God has a positive thought about it. For instance, you may have body image issues. You may not think you are beautiful. God says he made you wonderfully and beautifully (Pslam 139:14 ). You may think that you can’t do this or that. God says that God can do all things. There is nothing impossible for God (Philippians 4:13 ). You may believe that holding onto bitterness, anger, and resentment is right and good. God says that we need to forgive and love our enemies (Matthew 5:44). God says that forgiveness frees us. You may think that your money is for yourself. God says that he has given you all things and you need to be good stewards of those resources (1 Timothy 6:17-19).
After you identify a few negative thoughts you have, look in God’s word for what God teaches about it. You’ll discover that God has some ideas and ways about how to handle those feelings, thoughts, and behaviors.
The key to living out your purpose and the best life is by obeying God’s word. Read what God has to say and start practicing what God commands. You will know which commands God wants you to obey because it’s the one that you don’t want to obey. It may mean forgiving someone like an old friend, co-worker, or enemy. It may mean serving and giving your time and tithes to God. It may mean saying no to some people who are not the best influence in your life. It may mean honoring and respecting other people that you have not. Your first reaction is to resist and discard God’s ways. However, if you obey and listen to him, then you’ll start to live out the best life God has intended for you.
God has a plan for your life. He wants to accomplish something big and achieve incredible things (Isa 55:11). It means starting with your mind and changing your thoughts.
Loved this! Very practical, actionable advice. Especially loved “You will know which commands God wants you to obey because it’s the one that you don’t want to obey.” Guilty. Lol. So so so so so true!